Friday, July 11, 2014

Green Tomatoes

Yes, I'm talking to you, Green Tomatoes. God knows, I'd heard of you, cause of that 1991 movie with Kathy Bates as Evelyn Couch. But, Southerner that I am, I somehow never tasted immature green tomatoes until plump and sun-ripened, all crimson and tender. Granted this was a daily ritual, with S  & P and mayo, of course, all delicately arranged beside cornbread, with lima beans and rice and oh-my-god shrimp boiled in beer.  Et voila: a perfect summer ritual, deliciously satisfying and comfortingly familiar. I can always depend on the ripened crimson you to bring a meal alive. But how different I am cause of you in your immature green state. I am amazed.

When I was--finally, at long last, and quite recently--served you green, in the deep-South tradition